Congenital Solitary Kidney
Congenital Solitary Kidney
Congenital Solitary Kidney is a congenital anomaly where the affected person has only one functioning kidney. It can be due to the absence or anomaly of the contralateral kidney.
Anatomical – in these cases, the person has only a single kidney since birth. Unilateral Renal agenesis
Functional- in these cases, the person has two kidneys, but only one kidney is functional. Renal aplasia, hypoplasia, or dysplasia can lead to such situations.
Compensatory renal hypertrophy develops in solitary kidneys. In most cases, it remains asymptomatic. They are diagnosed during prenatal ultrasound screening or routine examination in younger children. Recent research says that there is Hyperplasia in the solitary kidney as it has double the number of nephrons in comparison to the normal kidney.
Associated complications
The compensatory hypertrophy causes hyperfiltration →increased podocytes and, basement injury →Loss of functional renal parenchyma →Chronic kidney disease and renal insufficiency →End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Vesicoureteral reflux
Increased risk of hypertension

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