Schatzki Ring
Hi brainy folks, Schatzki ring is a narrowing of the lower esophagus that can cause dysphagia. Dysphagia means difficulty in swallowing. The Schatzki ring is a small tissue fold that partially blocks the esophagus, leading to the dysphagia. Hope you enjoy visual maps … have fun !! 😍🥰

Doctors aren’t sure what exactly causes a Schatzki ring to form. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, is a possible cause of Schatzki ring formation. People with a Schatzki ring often have acid reflux disease and conditions that can lead to reflux disease, such as a hiatal hernia can be associated with Schatzki ring.
Most patients present with intermittent, episodic, nonprogressive dysphagia to solids. Dysphagia to liquids is usually not present.
Bread (especially freshly baked) and meat appear to be common foods that frequently precipitate symptoms. Patients often present after rapidly eating meat and drinking alcohol at a restaurant, hence it is also called "steakhouse syndrome."
Esophageal Dilation- Using a large French mercury bougie, polyvinyl bougie, or a balloon, esophageal dilatation is used for fracturing the ring.
Proton Pump Inhibitors- Based on the association between the presence of a Schatzki ring and GERD, acid suppression therapy is also used.
Lifestyle modification- A Schatzki ring often leads to difficulty in swallowing solid foods, patient is suggested to eat slowly and chew all food thoroughly before swallowing.