Covid19 Era: Speculations about changing norms
Covid19 global pandemic is keeping most people locked in their homes. It is changing norms of our relationship to the outside world, to each other and the way we do things in our day to day life.
This article is must read if you are interested in role of pandemics and epidemics in our society, click here to read According to Frank M. Snowden, a professor emeritus of history and the history of medicine at Yale, “the disease outbreaks have shaped politics, crushed revolutions, and entrenched racial and economic discrimination. Epidemics have also altered the societies they have spread through, affecting personal relationships, the work of artists and intellectuals, and the man-made and natural environments.”
Coming months and years will show how covid19 has changed the world, and I tried to summarize few speculations roaming around on internet and tried to create graphical representation for the same. Covid19 Era is bringing new norms into our lives and I picked up few 👇👇🤔.

Covid-19 Virus fear wins over HIV fear
In context of practicing safe sex Covid-19 virus seems of have upper hand over HIV virus. People were never this fearful and concerned about diseases caused by random socializing and unprotected sex like today. Some of the credit goes to HIV/STD fear but there will be significant reduction in unprotected sex and random hookups.

Changing Norms of comfort
The comfort of being in the presence of others might be replaced by a greater comfort with absence, especially with those we don’t know intimately. Instead of asking, “Is there a reason to do this online?” we’ll be asking, “Is there any good reason to do this in person?”—and might need to be reminded and convinced that there is. The paradox of online communication will be ratcheted up: It creates more distance, yes, but also more connection, as we communicate more often with people who are physically farther and farther away—and who feel safer to us because of that distance.

Changing norms of Heroism
In many countries patriotism and heroism is related with the armed forces. But since you can’t shoot a virus. Those on the frontlines against coronavirus aren’t conscripts, mercenaries or enlisted men; they are our doctors, nurses, pharmacists, teachers, caregivers, store clerks and utility workers. These people worked despite increased risk of contamination and death they never signed up for.
Hopefully we will recognize their sacrifice as true heroism, saluting our doctors and nurses, genuflecting and saying, “Thank you for your service,” as we now do for military veterans. We will give them guaranteed health benefits and corporate discounts and build statues and have holidays for this new class of people who sacrifice their health and their lives for ours.

Norms of practicing safe sex
In post from New York health department they mentioned you are your safest sex partner and recommended pleasing oneself is best way to stay protected in covid19 crisis. Click here to read full article According to this article which claims New York health department has given this advice “You are your safest sex partner,” the document reads. “Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after.”
It is interesting that few people are asking such question to health department in middle of ongoing crisis, maybe they didn’t wish to die sex deprived.

Norms of Socializing
The way crowded parties and too much social interaction was considered great, now is the time to be a loner and celebrate being in solitude, these lockdowns might convert few of us into introverts. We might learn to enjoy our company and start inward journey.

Norms of cleaning your bum
Well there were many meme and posts regarding panic buying of toilet papers, videos were there about people fighting over who gets the precious toilet paper. Since there is shortage of toilet papers more and more people are opting for bidets and bum Guns. How the America convinced the world to use toilet paper is an interesting story and how covid-19 Era will force world to use water methods too is fascinating. Read more here

Norms of food habits
Since it’s said that the outbreak started in seafood market of Wuhan and spreader in entire world like wildfire, Chinese and other countries with high consumption of non-vegetarian food are opting for vegetarian food. In one article the government appealed to Chinese citizens to give up meat altogether. There are fair chances of rise in vegetarian food habits in future if we follow current trend.
Global pandemic of Covid19 will change us in many ways, economic impact and cultural impact is already visible. I hope we come out from it as soon as possible, fingers crossed. Stay blessed.
Covid19 Era is changing and will be reorienting our relationship with each other, outside world and the way we do things just like every epidemic, it will leave marks on us forever.
Read more on covid19 facts here