Cadaver Hunt
Hi brainy folks, cadaver dissection is part of medical education and anatomy learning, I came across fascinating history of infamous anatomy dissection practices and made comic inspired by that. Hope you will enjoy journey of cadaver dissection. Do read cadaver criminals it is very interesting.
Dissection of human body for educational purpose was not legal in most countries in past. Idea of “sanctity of human body was deeply rooted in society and dissection of human body was crime. The study of anatomy in England during 18th and 19th century was infamous for body snatching from graveyard to provide enough supply of human cadavers. Excavation from burial grounds in middle of night, corpus buying from poor relatives and Resurrector was practiced, criminal’s body was also available for dissection.
It is inspiring how much struggle doctors went through to learn about this fascinating and lovable human body. And no one can forget anatomy dissection days, as medical students it is engraved in your mind forever.
Further reading