Anthrax Part-1

Hello Brainy Folks,
Few general features on Anthrax Bacillus for you 😊,
It is Box shaped; gram positive capsulated bacillus.
It has capsule which is made up of polypeptide Polyglutamate-D and the taste of this polyglutamate is quite repulsive for macrophages. Macrophages doesn’t like to phagocytose yucky tasting capsulated bacteria. For anthrax bacteria it is kind of cool thing because tasting bad saves life.
Polyglutamate-D = Virulence factor
“Tasting bad isn’t that bad if it saves life and gives you Virulence.”
It forms spores and it is resistant to heat, dryness and can be transformed in powdered form, this resiliency makes them ideal candidates for bio war weapon. You can read more on this here
Bacillus Anthrax Colonies look like frosted glass or beaten egg white on agar plates.
Colonies on blood agar resembles beaten egg white because of its sticky or tenacious consistency. It stands up like a beaten egg white when teased with loop.

Under low power microscopy the edge of colonies looks like matted hair of Medusa (the Greek monster with living venomous snakes instead of hair, hence called “Medusa head appearance” These are interlacing strands of bacterial chains.

Medical weirdos !! That’s it for today, stay tuned for next part.
Hope you had fun reading this. 😍😋
Two microbiologist and Conflict Resolution 😁😎…..